Thursday, April 9, 2009
/ -5:55 PM
aqmalbaik VS media

"aqmal ! aqmall! is that true cekelas was hit by a car? "
" i dunno , just leave the case to the authorities "
" is there is any other evidence aqmal? "
"what evidence?"
" can u give any comment aqmal?"
"for the mean time i cannot give any early statement because there is still many procedures that we'll have to go through"
"tell me about your feeling "
"no comment"
"what are you goin to do next?
"we're still in the early stage buddie"
"aqmal!! aqmal!! tell us more"
"im afraid im little busy now , so please. excuse me! "
"aqmal have u ever thought that there's a conspiracy between all these?"
"never cross my mind , so please outta my way im in hurry "
" aqmall!! wait , wait! "
"sorry , excuse me all! "
"aqmal , there's more questions!! wait! "
"give me way , excuse me, excuse me"
"aqmal!! aqmal!! aqmal!!!!"
this colour = paparazzi & press
this colour = aqmalbaik

awal-awal lagi mereka sudah bersedia

tersengih plakk diew!
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