Thursday, July 16, 2009
/ -9:56 PM
Super Shocking Drama!
Mashallah! Well today , there's a very shocking drama happened to me and my family! It's so scary , disgusting , shocking , weird , awful and blablabla. Memang nauzubillah laa. Wanna know what is it? huhu . Siang tadi the Pertahanan Awam came to my house. And still wanna know why? Cube laa teka , i give you 10 secs to guess . 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 ,6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , tettt lembab! The story that i'm going to tell you is a true story that happend today and no lies , okey . Siang tadi adew ular masuk rumah aku! yeah! a snake entered my house! gosh! wtf! I know it is hard to believe and me either don't believe it at first place , until i take a closer look with my own two eyes, it is a real snake!
Okey let me tell you the chronology of the whole story from the beginning laa yew.I dont hell know where does it come from , how does it entered , i dont know anything about that snake. It's so weird dohh , because my neighbourhood is not kampung area but a serious city and the neighbourhood itself is wrap with expressway no hutan-hutan and dekat dengan jj lagi haha. It starts when i was sitting on the couch in the ruang tamu and leka watching tv. Later i heard a moving sound at the back of almari behind me next to the window. I though it was a cat and i told my lil sister to take a look at it. All of sudden she screams and started to cry .
She said there's a snake behind the almari , and i thought she was joking . How come there's a snake in such an area like this? It nonsence , ta masuk akal and weirdo. Then i tengok and jolok-jolok bah! It is a snake. Bukan snake biase , besar punya!! It's quiet long too , the head is a bit small and so do the tail but the tail is so long! But the body it big and grey in colour! Ewww na cerite pun geli , fyi aku anti ular dan semua jenis reptilia! So aku agak menggelabah and we called abah because he's working in his office at that time. Abah also sounds hard to believe until i told him that it has been confirmed as a snake because we also saw the lidah jelit-jelir !
Then abah called 999 and he said that the Pertahanan Awam will be arrived very soon. So we waited at home and continuously monitored the snake . We also take some safety precausion maa , we blocked the surrounding of the almari so that the snake wont masuk jauh ke dalam rumah especially dalam bilik! And the Pertahanan Awam agak lambat sampai until the snake started to gerak banyak-banyak and goyang-goyang belakang almari until meremang bulu-bulu roma aku tengok ular tu dari jauh! sumpah geli! Later the snake once again shocked us when the snake merayap and lari keluar ruang tamu ke arah frontyard before ke luar dan melintasi jalanraya ke seberang rumah.
Dohh , pelik betul . Pandai masuk pandai pulak diew keluar sendiri. Petang tuw memang pintu depan tak tutup and aku ta sedar bile mase ular tu masuk dalam ruang tamu even that time aku adew dekat ruang tamu! Later the snake is off from the territory of our house and it crossed the street with an incredible speed! sumpah first time aku experience bende-bende macam niw! Pergerakan ular tersebut amatlah laju ! Kemudian ia terjun ke dalam longkang dan ia pandai berenang! The story gets even weirder. Few minutes later the Pertahanan Awam team arrived and i quickly bring them to that longkang because the snake is no longer inside the house.
Aksi mereka dengan segera mencuri perhatian orang awam. hahaha. At first aku dan adik aku jew tengok kat longkang tuw until the Pertahanan Awam team arrived and they started to search for the snake inside the drain. Later few motorist yang lalu-lalang berhenti dan segera tengok apew yang dilakukan oleh Pertahanan Awam tersebut. Hahaha agak pelik kerana tak sampai sepuluh minit dah berbelas motor berhenti depan rumah aku coz nak tengok ular tuw . Few minutes later the snake has been successfully caught and it is big and long! Then the crowd that is about 20 mens tepuk tangan bahaha . So berakhirlah drama super shocking snake tersebut. They describe the snake as Ular Air . Owh yea, we also had named that snake, it's called Shizzy haha
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