Monday, May 4, 2009
/ -5:01 PM
Soal Makan.
Ade orang sakit hati laa pulak!
ehh bohsia ni pandai pulak menjawab!!
hahaha macam kenal jew ayat nih!
owh ha'ah hari niwp aku agak sakit hati. haha dunno y ,
mayb few slices of peach can cool me down. just now i watched Awan Dania.
hahaha that programme really inspiring laa!
the abah told his daugher ,
"just do what u want to, put aside what others said about you. trust in yourself.
just follow you heart and you will always do the right thing."
kan? haaaaaaa.
then my mom's friend drop by at my house. i stayed inside my room jep.
yelaaa perlu kew keluar? haha plus they're discussing about business stuff
so malas na interfere. today so boring. yesterday pon same.
lagi laaaa. me & my sistah only at home. lunch got nothing
to eat, breakfast just packets of biscuits.
so for lunch we ordered something that the food will come to us
not us come to the food. hahaha

then at night , another problem. what's for dinner? haha so my family and i makan luar laa. we went to this newly open restaurant but not so new laa, they've open their business since last year. it's called Seri Nurisya if im not mistaken located at Bukit Tinggi 2 , Klang actully it's our second time eating there, and their meals aren't bad laa. nice food and nice place.
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