Hello, it's my blog!

» Wednesday, September 16, 2009 / -8:52 PM

During this festive season, everyone is so excited. Just look at their face, it's all smiling and shining just like have won a jackpot. But do keep in mind to take a good care of your safety because bad things can happen right before your eyes. And also to spend your money wisely, please don't buy something that you don't need.

But couple days ago, i watch this documentary on tv about the palestinian people at the gaza strip. How poor and stressed this people are. Their life was so desperate, they never feel safe. In every single second their live can be threatened in every way. But this phase of word that is spoke by a father of three children which can't barely have enough food on the table really touches to the deepest of my heart.

" kanak-kanak kami tidak ketawa riang seperti kanak-kanak lain di dunia ini "

omg! i feel very sory for the poor innocent children. You see, setiap kali raya kanak-kanak lah yang paling excited nak raya. Banyak makanan, tak payah puasa lagi dan paling penting dapat duit raya. How cozy the kids in malaysia. But in Palestine? Di kala kita berseronok, janganlah sampai lupa insan lain mungkin sedang menangis dalam suasana raya ini. Last words, selamat hari raya =D

ada apa-apa nak cakap? tekan sini

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