Monday, May 4, 2009
/ -9:43 PM
Dying Economy?
just now, me and my dad were out to fetch up my sister from tuition class in Bukit Tinggi. But the roads was extremely busy. causing long lines in every junctions and my dad was like astonished why the roads are like sandwish? he wonders. where're they all heading to? he keep questioning aren't they supposed to be at home? then i replied baru gaji then nampaknya economy down pun tak terase .
to all my beloved bloggers =D as we all know, we're having a hard time now. what we are facing is not yet the truth pulse of it , but it is just the beginning . It's the global economic downturn! it has started with global financial instability that has taken a turn for the worse starting in 2008. follows with price hike and inflation, it gives a lot of pressure to our porous secular economy. and now look! many jobs has been cut , and government around the world has to inject stimulus to help boosting the economy and liquified the assets. as we can see, many giant companies some of them a great multinational company find a failure and declare bankruptcy. scary enough? haha btw i love studying economy =D

ok , another story time lalu dekat giant nampak mcdonalds sebelah tu.
bapak banyak kerete kat drive thru. it was like 20 laa.
then aku cakap, hungry peoples! my dad pon, yeah banyak betol,
ok malam niw makan kfc.
and i was like, huh? ape kene mengene mcd ngan kfc? haha
pelik pelik jew.
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