Thursday, May 7, 2009
/ -1:54 PM
exixorian meet up '09

proudly , the exixorian featuring me & my old pals from my old school
gathered up 0n 6th May 2009 at Alamanda Putrajaya.
haha its so much fun ouh! with all the photo shoot we made, lots
of amaizing photos being created.

first gathered at the bus stop at 9.00 but Fufu & Qila semangat sampai kol 7.00! hahaha
yaa , took the public laa , license belom kluar but adew y dh adew lesen but masih belum cukup baligh na drive sendiri. hahaha. the bus fare omg , devil punya harga! gila mahal. and i said ok next time jgn dtg sini lg. haha yew laa mayb nk g putrajaya after this drive sendiri jew, mayb time tuu dh cukup baligh hahaha.

first activity of course, hit the food! so hungry doww breakfast ta sempat , but a bit funny laa coz kul 11 dah lunch hahaha.after that thought nak karaoke but got no much time. so pegi port blkng bwat sesi photo shoot! here's the funny part , everyone was like nak adew inside the picture and there's no one willing to be the photographer. so decided stiap orang na kne bg RM1 kat photographer tuu. hahaha then cancel cos not practical.
so the solution , letak kaki ramai-ramai kat tengah. kire sape kaki keluar dlu jd first photographer then tukar2 ikut turn. hahaha pelik2 jew. then mule laa photo shoot yang hot . bukan hot yang seksi seksa tu yew , hot coz weather panas haha. after that g cinema tgk movie UNiNVITED! hahaha. owh before that kitorang g main kat arcade. played only one slot but itu pown da kecoh dah haha. the game is about finding the differences between two pictures in limited time. pics diew berahi sungguh hahaha!

Selesai game tersebut, masuk cinema . tapi biase laa habit amek2 pic dulu sebelum masuk dlm theater diew.
hallway dah laa gelap pastu bwat pose seksi & seductive haha! inside the theater yew laa habit sekali lagi.
bwat mcm rumah sendiri, mmg ta ramai orang & cerite agak slow.
name jee tengok cerite hantu tp boley ketawe2! law cover tapew tp over plakk haha.
then me sempat bermain popcorn hantu dengan Hana hahaha !

end the story adew second photo shoot tp kat port depan plakk. lagi best siap baring-baring lompat -lompat lagi hahaha. sebelum tuw, adew budak sekolah bwat rombongan plakk nasib diorang blahh awal haha. then balik awal skewt , sampai laa rumah. haha!
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