Tuesday, May 12, 2009
/ -9:01 AM
Tentatic Terror Lockdown!
awrgh!!! hehe tajuk macam scary sangat jewp kan.the story is , arituw my family and i just got back from Giant kan. alaa tawu laa beli groceries. the moment we reached home, i bukak gate and wanna unlock the main door. so i asked my dad for the keys , then he said it's with mama. then i asked mama then she said the key's with abah. wtf! so who got the keys? so i checked my pocket if the keys with me. sadly no! then dah siap keluarkan all the stuff we bought tadi from boot kerete but pintu ta bukak lagi coz none of us got the keys! so , for a moment there, we kinda terkandas coz terkunci outside our own house!

luckily the windows ta kunci so we tried to jolok2 for the keys from the window haha! i've done it before so i pretty know laa the right skills to do that. haha . but sadly ta boley plakk coz it was so dark inside and we forgot to turn on the light before we left home. so kami termenung seketika di luar pintu, dengan beg-beg plastik Giant yang bersepah . haha then terase mcm duduk kat rumah orang setinggan plakk with all this mess plus the mess in our brain haha.

my dad dah start naik hangin. how come we forgot to take the keys with us before we left home? hahaha , this is so funny that we're actully terkandas! then me and my dad geledah kerete wanna seek if the keys is actully inside the car. ohh! so true! the keys is actully inside the car but dah jatuh bawah kerusi that's why it become invisible seketika. haha bodoh punya kunci! susa-susa kami tertonggeng-tonggeng menjolok the keys menggunakan kayu panjang. haha!
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