Saturday, May 16, 2009
/ -11:03 AM
Ehem. yesterday on 6.30am i woke up .
yeahh way too early ,
something that i usually doesn't do but i did.
so what's the big deal? bangun pagi-pagi buta?
but fyi dont easily judge me yeahh , i sembahyang
subuh selalu 6.50am so yesterday bangun 6.30 kire
awal lahh kan? so tell me why aqmal! fuh,
its because i got JPJ test on driving lol!!!
arghhhhhh! so so so menggelabah dohh!
so the result is , uhuhuhuhuh T.T huwawawawawa
i aqmalbaik , proudly declare myself a legal driver
on the streets of Malaysia! yaw yaw! ahahaha
it's such a relief lol! since for the past two months
i work really hard , cewah. i returned from PLKN in
month of March and now in May i already got P!
so for all the sweat bath aka mandi peluh, blazin hot,
touching the steering and playing the gear for
the first time in my life haha so its worth it !

So speaking what happen that day kan, i do feel
like relax and cool jewp no gelabah-gelabah . haha,
mayb effect i solat hajat & bace yassin kot. haha
law bab bab camniw i mmg alim haha!
when we arrived there , we must sign up our name first.
damn , the line are so long ! and the crowds
sitting in the waiting area vavi ramai giless!
but then, the dark clouds are coming,
and it looks like its going to rain. so cemas seketika ,
but luckily ta hujan!
first bwat bahagian parking , im so dying of waiting and
my back is screamin in pain! then finally reach my turn.
rase mcm ta pecaye , omg this is it! i speak to myself.
&& lulus semua haha. that day adew gakk y fail especially
part bukit & especially gurl. adew sorang macik tuw stuck atas bukit sampai mengaum mcm wolverine
dah but the car still didn't move, kesian diew

second bwat atas jalanraye plakk. & dpt 17/20 jew. haha
owke laa kan. plus , JPJ that tested me kerek skewt haha.
aku bawak then diew cakap Laju laa sikit. huk aloh! baru
keluar simpang kang law terus pecut kau failed kan aku!
pastu in the car all the way diam jew! pastu diew
bersiul-siul plakk, mcm adew makne jewp siulan tuw haha.
member aku test JPJ siap boleh borak & tukar-tukar
number phone lagi. haish
Then diew announce result kerete , and i beratur laa na amek result.
am i trippin?
i pass and got P! yeahhh baby yeahh!
tyme drive atas jalan.
i fell the adrenaline moving through my veins.
yeahhh yeahhh.
Spotlight on me and i’m ready to break.
uhu huh all eyes on me in the center
of the ring just like a circus.
it's just me yaw! he's watching me!
so sapew na drift lepas niw jom!
PLUS, KESAS, NKVE, Federal, aku on jew haha=p
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