Wednesday, May 13, 2009
/ -4:32 PM
Jasko Gila Sale.
haha hell yeah. fyi , today 13th & 14th Jasko is having a big sale! yeah i know i spell it wrong. tapew laa kan , nnti ta papasal diew dpt publisiti murahan plakk kat blog akuw haha!and me & my dad pown serbu laa kan. yeahh i know i know, asyik2 citew kat aeon bukit tinggi. but what to do, it's just like a doorstep only from my home, hahaha. we arrived there omg! just imagined , 10am car park is already full! kat dalam lagi laa, macam sardin! ajaib betul, kan today weekday aren't they supposed to be working && baru pukul 10pagi! kat dlm department store diew dh ramai gigilew.tawu laa Jasko kat bukit tinggi niw mmg yang terbesar kat asia pasifik kan, hahaha. i mmg na carik kemeja pown , haha na carik outfit y sopan laa skewt nnti na further study & few more clothes , kan adew sala haha!

agak dahsyat if im not wrong about 30 new express counter have been added kat level pakaian but yet the lines are so so long! pretty funny tengok orang shopping sebiji mcm mak shin chan serbu mall yang adew sale, hahaha! and then i bumped into my old friend , Lukman. gilew lamew siyot ta jumpe diew, he's my dormmate from my oldschool haha. later , saw Cupyanka, my ex-classmate pulak jadi promoter 2 days sempene Jasko member day tuw. well diew jage part shoes and i tegur diew dari belakang 'kak size s adew?' haha then diew menoleh terkejut diew tengok aku hahaha!

okeyy now time for the sad story. after paying the parking ticket fee, kitorang masuk dalam kerete, but before that i noticed something unpleasent kat sisi kerete my dad. kemek! yea kemek! wtf! sapew langgar kerete my dad! siap calar sikit2! then i started to feel suspicious with the car next to us coz care diew parking mcm senget semacam. correcto mundo! kerete sebelah y langgar kerete my dad! coz kat bumper diew adew calar & keler cebisan cat same with my dad's car colour! bodoh puki lancau parking kerete pown smpai jahanamkan kerete orang. hahaha then my dad calarkan kerete diew! hahaha and we left.
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