Friday, May 15, 2009
/ -10:33 PM
omg! omg!
perhatian pacik macik di luar sana! this is
the latest news which had just been confirmed
few hours ago! the news is, Malaysia had just
confirmed it's very first case of H1N1! yeah
dohh, first case in Malaysia . ohh what the hell
is H1N1 , wtf tu pown takan tataw. its the 2009
swine flu laa. The student who arrived here in
KLIA from the United States on the morning of May 13
has been confirmed as Malaysia's first case of A(H1N1) infection, the Health Ministry said today.

So to siapa-siapa outside there, that naik flight MH091 and arrived in KLIA at 7.15am that day please
check status kesihatan anda yew! Omg excited pulekk
but campur with gerun owh. haha. This terrible
swine flu outbreak has beendetected in 37 country
around the globe and Malaysia is
the newest! Tempat pertama dinobatkan kepada
Amerika dengan 4298 kes dan tempat kedua digondol oleh Mexico dengan 2656 kes dan tempat ketiga
jatuh kepada Canada dengan 449 kes.
Manakala saguhati jatuh kepada Spain , UK dan Panama.
tepukan gemuruh penonton di studio semua. agagaga!
As for it, this pandemic had been infected
around 7800 peoples worldwide with around 100
of it already dead. S'more there's another pandemic
that is attacking Malaysia right now, it
is the Meningitis and also Leptospirosis!
alahh susa betol na eja lol!
and that Leptospirosis already recorded one death !
The first picture above shows the genetic origin of
the pandemic H1N1 while the second picture shows
the Leptospirosis virus.
[info di atas dibawakan khas untuk anda oleh AWHA AqmalWorldHealthAgency]
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