i dunno why , my backyard macam adew satu
medan tarikan magnetik yang menarik berbagai
bangsa kucing! i trully admit that sometimes my
family agak pemurah melemparkan & menyajikan
mereka-mereka makanan, so mayb that's the reason
why laa kot. haha. Time we tengah bwat amal jariah
tuw, the moment they saw us unlock the door na
bagi makan diorang dah start menjerit and bwat
tawaf . memang kebulur betol! dah laa ramai
memekak pulak tuw.
the amount of stray cats is so hugh , until
we started to name them. hahaha! we have
Nenek , why that name? haha because she got
pregnant and beranak and her anak also got pregnent
so , automatik diew jd nenek laa kan. haha and now
Nenek pregnant lg! dasar kucing nafsu kuat!
then we got, Amanda ohh she got blue eyes lol
pretty rare huh. and Nenek's two orange children
we called them Dolce & Gabanna. and the
big brown cat is Momok while the big orange
cat is Harimau . another cats we
have is Google , well this cats's eyes is
mcm cacat lol kasihan thats why law pakai
goggle is better.
then Poncho, Fabia , Rafael, Isabell & others
y ta bagi name lagi. then Amanda just beranak 5
ekor kucing lagi. im thinking to call them
Prada, Gucci ,Loreal, Maybank & Apple! ROFL!! tak pun January, Februari, March, April & May.
haha ta glamer langsung. Huhu now i miss my real cats.
yang betol-betol bela punya. first cat that
we bela is Posh . damn! she is so so so adorable.
really cute & bulu lebat. then diew hilang
dipercayai diculik. Second is Put & Cekelat.
then Put disingkirkan dari kediaman setelah
disabit kesalahan oleh mahkamah atas
tuduhan berak merata-rata. later Cekelah got pregnant.
She got 3 anak. but first Pussy was found dead.
preview old post for more information.
it is so tragic! but the sadness doesn't end there,
later another 2 Cekelat punya anak didapati hilang.
police report had been lodge lol and Cekelat
was trully devastated by the lost of all
of her beloved children! kasihan, and mmg
ketare nampak Cekelat selalu termenung & meow
sorang2 that was belived she's calling her
children. lastly Cekelat was found dead in
the night coz being hit by a car.
is telah disahkan oleh laporan autopsi.
first picture - gambar hiasan
second picture -Posh
third picture - Cekelat
fourth picture - Becki, Pussy & Gwen