Monday, May 25, 2009
/ -10:12 PM
reconfigurize programme
for the past weeks, i aqmalbaik the fully-owned this blog has been testing the new generation template. Pratically this is not a fully advanced template with some minor revert but still over-taking all the blog template which most of the blogger have. My blog is divided into three seperate sections with different contents and it is what makes the difference because most of the blogger just have only one full and long blog as their core section.But as to make the unique , it also come with some weaknesses and thanks to hard research and develop most of the fatal end up to vanished.

I have developed a comment sector . But the system called the centralized commenting system, allows only selectable entries viable to comment. And the comment is already been centralized. It means some entry also shared the same commenting sector. I am using the same system which is also currently being use in myspace which the comment is only have in one window and codes. So i'm expecting that all of you will not be shock to see if you wanted to comment a different entry but being transfered to different entry. it's already being centralized!

also as an added measure , i've put the rating system in case you're just too lazy to leave a comment. so you can use the rating system to rate the entry wheather you like it or not. but please, use it wisely . haha. currently i am testing a different template and im expecting to use it in the future. so keep on visiting my blog and and let me know if any problem occured . reminds me also if you've posted a new entry so that the grip between you and i will never get loose and keep in touch! thanks for understanding and thanks for everything! Also to keep in mind, sometimes it takes time for the contents to load, so please refresh and wait.
thank you.
The First Image : Represent the Rating System , click on the stars to rate
The Second Image : Represent the Comment Sector , click on the words to comment
Sila Berak Di Sini! ]
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