Wednesday, May 20, 2009
/ -4:45 PM
Cakap Salah Silap Merepek Meraban
Okeyy guys, i admit it. lately , ok fine not lately since quiet long time not just now but has started long time ago. Well, what i meant and what im trying to say is. Actully not say im just writing and you read the text not listen to what im saying. So what i'm trying to tell you is i have this kind of thing which seriously sometimes bother me and it's not always but quiet some time and when i realize it and it happen and i have to reconsidered the next step. So what is this whole bunch of fuckin idiotic shit? It's my cakap-cakap that sometimes berbelit-belit until merepek meraban and cannot be translated or understood by anyone that is having a conversation with me. Yea just like all those texts above, i know that you have a pretty tough time to understood it all. haha.

Sometimes when i say something out from my tongue, all the sentences is kinda mixed and so berbelit. It's pretty hard you know, haha. Also funny as well, the thing is i talk to this person but that person is hardly to understand what im saying. It could probably be im talking too fast, and my words is seems to be unclear and all my whole sentence is completely serabut. lol! its hard to explain. mayb my speaking skills is really low. o my gosh do i really need to see a therapist? hahaha it can't be that serious ! Don't belive it ask my family & friends laa. Sometimes when i talk to them, "blablabla." and they was like "ohhhhh, what?"
so i have to repeat it back again! sometimes agak panas laa jugak. hahaha. Sometimes even i, myself dont understand what im saying, peshpeshpeshpesh entah hape hape tah. Very very serabot and confusing and ohh you dont understand so i have to repeat whole of it back from the beginning.but this time slowly, and one-by-one. lol bengang betol! But it doesn't happen all the time laaa. of course , im still normal!! it usually happen when i was too excited to talk to them or when i was distracted and not fully pay attention on what im saying. fuh!
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