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» Monday, May 18, 2009 / -1:01 PM
Office Space

lalala , hello all. hari itu , but i didn't remember what day i helped out
my dad paying all the bills using online banking! lol,
agak batak coz this is the first time i do it laa. hooo ,
the technology really makes our life simplified laa. Act my dad adew
few more bank account , it's a safety trick laa kan if
any perompak siber dapat teroka acc my dad and ragut every
pennies inside but my dad still got money in another acc because
my dad didn't store all his money in just one acc.
baguskan? so tiru yew haha.

banyak laa jugak bill y aku lengsaikan that day , && i topup my phone too hehe!
ohhh then kann i felt like an adult pulak, act mmg dh adult pon but
really mcm orang besar. bukan orang besar , yang besar tu tp
besar y mcm dh grown up laa haha! bayar-bayar bil sumew then
i was thinking about my life in the future . surely i will get
busy and more problemo & cabaran will appear, kan?

so to make my life simplified with works and privitus time
i really wish to have my own nice and comfortable
office space in my own house. wahhh sounds really kewl huh?
best gileww laa office space ni kan. we can put desktop computer
there and also our laptop computer that we daily bring it to
work, documents , files, books, letters and bill and much more

but as for me, still a student also can have an
office space kan. can also digunakan as tempat study. nnti rent
my own house ulang-alik study pastu at night spend time kat
tempat tuw. na study kew bwat keje kew pape laa kan. haha then
bwat mcm kat office letak my nametag kat atas desk diew, & penuhkan dinding
dengan sticky note warne kuning& vintage photos. gosh!

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