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» Saturday, April 17, 2010 / -12:18 AM
Bye Hitam!

i have a sad story to tell, it's my cat that i mentioned previously on a entry, click CLICK HERE to read it. My mom already got ride of that cat, kucingku sudah kena buang! Dia dijatuhkan hukuman itu oleh panel yang mempunyai supreme power iaitu my parents atas tuduhan berak merata-rata. Kucingku menghadapi dua tuduhan iaitu berak dibawah katil bilikku sekali dan dibilik adikku sekali.

But of course i am totally mad with what my mother did, she just disposed the cat at the commercial area and leave her all alone by herself, and the worst part is, she didn't even negotiate with me before ! How could you. But i also hate what my cat did, suka hati nak berak dalam bilik aku! Nasib baik berak atas kertas so tak payah susah-susah cuci-cuci.

But to be honest, i love my cat. She is still young and we called her Hitam, and we watched her grown up from day one, until today. She got siblings actually by after all her siblings disappear without a trace, she loves to play alone by herself. And she is the most active cat i've ever met! She' super-hyper-active, she loves to run all over the house back and forth - dunno what she actually chase. Panjat sofa, panjat langsir, melompat-lompat tak tentu pasal.

She also loves to play under the dining table, menyorok bawah kerusi, panjat meja dan gigit-gigit kayu. Dia suka kacau mak aku lipat baju, dia suka main benda macam tali lepas tu kejar dan gigit-gigit, comel sangat. Dia pun suka main dengan kertas, kadang-kadang kertas assignment aku habis dikonyok-konyok, terpaksa aku print balik, kertas suratkhabar lagi la, bercerai-berai dikerjakannya.

Dia pun suka tidur atas katil aku, menyebok saja, lepas tu panjat meja komputer pijak-pijak keyboard. And i love to see her sit or sleeping, it's so cute. Baring terkangkang macam perempuan murahan, mengeliat sambil panjangkan badan, gosh it's too many to talk about Hitam. But now we are not together anymore. I wish you could be safe and got a new master. I love you Hitam, you are truly a super active and the one of a kind cat.

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