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» Tuesday, March 23, 2010 / -12:50 AM
The Best

Life is not easy. To get the best in everything, we have to give everything in return. We have to do very best in everything to get best result. We can't hoping the best by just sit and do nothing to get it - you just don't deserve it.

Things don't just fall out of the sky, we have to reach for it and grab it. If we don't do anything to get what we want, fair well, we'll never going to get a thing. What goes around comes around, ever heard about it?

Sometimes, good things do come approaching us - as a good luck. It happen even if we didn't work for it. But it does not happen very often. Because most of the time, in a hard real world, bad things will come - not the good thing.

That's why, no matter how hate we are towards something we do. we have to do it the best we could. How lazy we are, how shame we are, how hatred how despise, we really have to do it - we don't have any choice.

Just in the name to succeed. It comes with a price, a very expensive price. To feel comfort, relax, peace, enjoy it all come with a price. We have to give damn good to pay for all that.


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