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» Monday, April 19, 2010 / -8:42 PM
Kenapa tak jawab call?

Yesterday my dad reached home early. And i asked him that isn't he supposed to be at work? Tapi dia balik rumah mengamuk. Tapi tak la mengamuk macam india mabuk , i mean dia balik terus marah-marah. Dia tanya kenapa aku tak pick up the phone. So i grab my phone and oh, one missed called. Dia cakap yang dia call rumah pun tak dapat. Dia marah sebab dia try called aku dan adik aku tapi none of us pick up the phone. So dia bising-bising la sorang-sorang.

Just give me a break. It's weekend and weekend is the day to relax. Fyi, weekday i answered too many calls, from lecturers to classmates. Repeating message tanye pasal kelas, pasal quiz pasal test and lecturer call tak putus-putus. I am tired of sticking up with my phone. Thats why on weekend i barely use my phone. I spent most of my weekend on internet and campak jauh-jauh phone sebab aku malas nak layan perkara-perkara yang menggangu hujung minggu aku.

But my dad call pulak and to be honest aku tak perasan pun bila dia call. I am at home, takkan aku nak gantung phone kat leher and standby if ade orang call. Dia cakap sejak dia balik mekah few months ago, dia call aku tak penah dapat. Well that is so not true! And he even threatening to pull out my monthly phone bill dan dia suruh aku bayar sendiri - that's just a heart-breaking. At that moment i realize how dependent i am towards my parents.

I am nineteen and i am still living with my parents, some of my friends at my age already renting an apartment not far from our college. I hate to be a burden towards my parents, i want to live free tak bergantung kepada ibu bapa. Because im scared if something like this happen. I don't want my parents to control me.

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