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» Tuesday, February 16, 2010 / -12:29 AM
Freako Hairdo

Ah, something's wrong with my hair. You know, i never really like my hair. My hair is weird sometimes. I'm kind of person that easily get bored with something. For example my hairdo, i'll make the same hair for the entire week and then the next week i feel like to change to a new hair style. Then the same thing goes on the next week. My hair seldomly impress me and fits the style that i want. Usually i've set the hairdo perfectly but hours later, it's already a disaster on my head! It's kinda depressing me a lot. I don't think it's the hair product that i use. Because i've tried many expensive products, from gatsby until loreal studio. But still, my hair will messed up few hours later. Maybe it's my natural hair that can't expect the transformation i made on my hair lah. There's a few hair styles that really attracts me like this one & two. Bah. Just now i got a new haircut. But it was like, extremely short. Fuck ah. But on the bright side, it has been ages since my last time to have a short hair. So the scores already tight up. Haha.


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