Hello, it's my blog!

» Sunday, March 29, 2009 / -4:17 PM
Earth Hour Malaysia 2009!

Here are some of the cool videos that was taken from around malaysia during earth hour , all nationwide at 8.30 sharp on march 28 , 2009 the lights are off and it's just spectacular ! this is the only event which we can watch our greatest and famous monument went dark at night through out 365 nights all the year , no other event except Earth Hour.


Sunway Pyramid

CapSquare KL


Merdeka Square

» / -12:14 AM
Earth Hour just now

Arghhhh , i was so excited about this year's Earth Hour and im so took part in it. Before 8.30 sharp i already standby beside the switch and i look at the computer screen when it touches 30 that remarks 8.30pm i snap the switch and off the lights. haha this night only my dad and i at home while the rest of my family off to my granny's house at gombak ( guess they celebrate earth hour? ) lol the most important is i already took part =D around 9 pm i get out from my house and walk around my neighbourhood . gosh they also took part maa! most of the houses i saw switch off their lights and it was so dark XD At 9.30 the lights were back on ! Actully i was planning to experience earth hour at KLCC or Bukit Bintang lol , watching great buildings went blackout with my own two big eyes is so amaizing insdead of just watching the photos. But during day time i got driving class and got this kinda to-do-list of cleaning my room at evening , so i already tired and decided to stay at home.Vote earth people , its important for the future of this planet of the living.

» Saturday, March 28, 2009 / -3:48 PM
Planning a gathering

Right now i'm trying to plan a gathering of my ex-classmates . The venue and dates still hang undecided yet but i already spread out the plan to all my classmates through our official class myspace. Last time we saw each other is during the results of spm was out. And last time we hang out together was last year during The 5KA1's Farewell Hook Up 2008 . It's damn great! best hang out ever lol! arghhh. so exciting and full of thrilling plus madness all the way from morning till late evening. no way that other class can make a hook up as crazy as that! yea bitch! its the best damn memories ever of our class! fuckin best and havoc!!!

Image Hosting by

Our invitation card designed by me . haha

» Friday, March 27, 2009 / -2:29 AM
Daily Dose

Hari ini hari khamis , lepas maghrib pegi JJ . bosan towl asek g JJ jewp haha . akuw na carik baju bru tp pusing-psing tade y lawa . lawa tuw mmg adew tp 100+ plus plakk harge nyew . bukan akuw ta bley beli tp mcm ta sesuai plakk coz nnti na shopping kat mid agy then na hang out ngan member so kne saving skewt haha =p last2 beli t-shirt satu tuw pun my dad y sweap mastercard diew haha. pastu trus g satay kajang beli bungkus jewp coz my mom ta masak diew cakap diew busy ngan urusan business diew . watevr lawh . hrmmm nmpk nyew hari-hari akuw berlalu dgn pantas , masa sangat mencemburui akuw lol . akuw patut adew plan apew yang akuw na buat sementare menunggu tawaran mnew2 uni or poly newp. na enjoy puas-puas coz nanti da further study da ta bley enjoy bertahun-tahun. pastu dh grad mnew ley enjoy gax , kne laa carik keje , bilew dh keje kne serius . pastu carik bini dh ta ley enjoy lg , komitmen bertambah besar bilew da adew anak lagi ta bley enjoy . nnti dpt menantu pun kne maintain pastu dapat cucu pastu pencen . tyme tuw bru lew dpt enjoy , tp enjoy hape nyew dh nak mati baik bnyk beribadat . so how?

» / -2:23 AM
Old Memory.

Huhu , td tengah kemas-kemas file dlm folder akuw na delete file-file lamew tetibe terjumpe plakk pic lamew newp. Haha , time niw kitorang hang out kat aeon bukit tinggi enta bilew akuw ta engat plakk. dah penat lepak kat kedai buku , duduk-duduk then bace buku orang na lalu pun susa . hahaha , siap sempat dengar tazkirah agama dr akuw tuw.

» / -2:12 AM

Sememangnya menconteng tandas adalah suatu vandalisma, tetapi saya melihat dari segi positif kandungan contengan di dinding tandas tersebut kerana apa yang tertulis adalah merujuk kepada apa yang terkandung dalam pemikiran mereka. Saya melihat, ada dua kelompok manusia yang suka menconteng dinding tandas.

Pertama kumpulan lucah. Mereka selalu membayangkan perlakuan tidak senonoh, mereka cuba meluahkan sesuatu di dinding tandas. Gambaran mereka kadang-kadang menakutkan tetapi ada lukisan mereka cukup kreatif. Sayangnya, bakat mereka disalahunakan. Perkara yang tersirat adalah betapa kumpulan ini, yang saya pasti adalah remaja, sudah terlalu rosak daripada segi akhlaknya. Pendedahan gambaran porno adalah manifestasi tahap didikan agama yang terlalu cetek dan pengawasan yang terlalu longgar. Siapakah yang harus dipersalahkan?

Kumpulan kedua adalah kumpulan celik isu semasa ataupun politik
Kumpulan kedua si penconteng dinding ni adalah dalam kalangan kumpulan yang celik politik. Acapkali peperangan contengan dinding tandas menjadi medan perang terbuka kepada puak pembangkang dan kerajaan. Kutuk-mengutuk, hujah berhujah, maki hamun sampailah kepada fakta ilmiah diluahkan di dinding tandas. Pada saya, golongan ini golongan yang mempunyai kesedaran politik, yang semestinya juga remaja. Mungkin mereka tiada saluran untuk meluahkan perasaan tidak puas hati mereka lantaran sekatan kebebasan bersuara. Justeru, dinding tandas menjadi medan senyap untuk meluah perasaan.

Apapun perlakuan ini tetap salah. Ini adalah kesalahan, namun ada pengajaran yang dapat kita lihat betapa politik ini akan memberi kesan kepada semua rakyat sehinggakan kepada anak di dalam kandungan juga menderita disebabkan salahguna politik. Susu untuk bayi juga tak terlepas daripada kenaikan harga menggila. Remaja penconteng dinding pun tahu menilai keburukan pemerintah, inikan pula golongan terpelajar. Sudah tiba masanya politik tandas ini diterjemahkan ke atas kertas undi dan seterusnya ditranformasikan kepada kuasa politik yang akan merubah senario politik tandas kepada suatu kuasa yang akan merubah nasib rakyat.

» / -1:29 AM
The Real Me

Assalamualaikum, last year ( before joining plkn ) i adew amek quiz kat myyearbook , ouh i love to go there it fuckin full wif many quizes and fun stuff until every quizes i took i laugh all out because the funny languages they're using there. so i put together every results of quizes to know even deeper of myself , do you realised that sometimes there is some part we actually didn't know well our truth personality . we thaught we knew well ourself much better then anyone else because it is our own self and body . done that , now i'm willing to expose some of the truth identity of myself out here .

[R] Do you even know why you took this quiz? You're either really clueless or
you don't have a dirty mind

[R] You are NORMAL! CONGRADULATIONS! You hang out with your friends,
go to the movies, are involved in after-school activites,
and are all-around a pretty nice and NORMAL person.

[R] Hey there, slick! We think it's pretty safe to say that you're a
Smooth Flirt. You've got all the right moves, and you're confident
that your target will appreciate all your winks and smiles.
All it takes is the perfect line, right? Maybe so, as long as you
deliver it with your charm meter set to stun. Your flirting style
is the perfect mix of body language and pure animal magnetism.
With you on their trail, how can your prey possibly hope to get away?
Seduction is inevitable. Just make sure not to overdo it.
There's something to be said for simple, direct conversation.
Your way with words and smooth moves guarantee that you'll hit
the bull

[R] You'd be a white angel... Pure hearted, you are near perfect,
always nice and forgiving, always doing what is right...
You are always caring for others, and hate to see people hurt.

[R] You're true blue! everyone thinks really nice and you show a lot of respect for others as well as yourself . I wouldn't be surprised id i saw you winning an award or something on tv . you are very true to yourself and you are the same around yourself and your family as you are to others! this isa a very good quality!
To be continued.
* [R] means Results

» / -12:54 AM
It's Amanda!

You know what , i just love watching Ugly Betty freakin much . Among the factor why is because the hilarious Amanda is in there! she great lol . Her real name is Becki Newton born in Connecticut on July 4, 1978 ( she's 31 now ) Check out all this vid , its among my favourite vid lol . hahahah , i could watch it over and over again without sick of it mah! so powerful kan? XD

» / -12:47 AM

» Thursday, March 26, 2009 / -11:01 AM
Coming Soon!

the latest featured in my blog . coming soon to hunt you
and urges your adrenaline to the max . launching soon .

» / -10:18 AM
Peribahasa rosak.

Ahahahha , this thing is really funny . It's called Peribahasa Rosak , it's actually sort of peribahasa in Malay Language but its already put some poison and some anthrax and messed up . Take a look , if you don't laugh even a little , man you really need to get a psychologist!


1. Kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke bawah
2. Tak lapuk dek hujan, tak lekang macam rambutan
3. Tiada rotan, pelempang berguna juga
4. Biar lambat asalkan tak cepat
5. Biar putih tulang, jangan kuning gigi
6. Di mana ada gula di situ adalah gula-gula
7. Kalah jadi abu, menang jadi arang, seri jadi abu bakar
8. Carik-carik bulu ayam, lama-lama jadi shuttlecock
9. Secupak takkan jadi 18 cupak
10. Gajah mati meninggalkan gading, udang harimau mati meninggalkan kulit, manusia mati meninggal dunia
11. Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit, inikan pula makanan di dalam mulut.
12. Harapkan pagar, pagar tidak boleh diharap
13. Alang-alang mandi biar guna sabun
14. Berapa berat mata memandang, berat lagi seguni beras
15. Cubit paha kanan, paha kiri tak rasa apa-apa pun
16. Diam-diam ubi berisi, diam-diam lagi orang bisu
17. Hidup segan mati di tanam
18. Ikut hati mati, ikut rasa merasa
19. Lembu punya susu cap teko dapat nama
20. Sehari selambar benang lama-lama benang habis
21. Jika kail panjang sejengkal, beli le yang panjang sikit kalau nak ngail di laut. (beli la pukat tunda lagi baik)
22. Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak tak apa
23. Membujur lalu melintang pukang
24. Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri,lebih baik hari tak hujan
25. Sebab pulut santan binasa, sebab mulut habis pulut
26. Kecil-kecil cili padi, kecil lagi biji cili
27.Biar pecah diperut jangan pecah pinggan mangkuk
28.Alang alang menyeluk pekasam biar sampai jadi asamboi
29.Kalau sudi katakan sudi, kalau tak sudi boleh blah!!

» / -9:55 AM
Good Morning

Look at this art above . Tell me what do you feel , you love it or thinking like ' what the hell is this ugly crap , its the ugliest thing i've ever see . ' If you think that way damn you freak! This thing is really unique , colourfull and good lord i just love it.

» Wednesday, March 25, 2009 / -11:16 PM

Mehhh , damn it bruw skang akuw pasan yang 'time' akuw posting bru
sumew nyer salah 'date' posting jewp betol tp 'time' salah . bloody hell!
except posting yg bawah niwp jew y betol coz akuw dh set td . urghhh!

» / -11:06 PM
Korean Language

Suddenly i realised that learning many languages is important in todays world where we live in no boundries and with global competition is rising . ohh i mean i already realised it long time ago but i didn't take any solid movement to practice it . so since im 'jobless' now , it seems like it is a preety right time to start doing it. and this is some simple korean with english translation , hahha i just love internet XD

Father ..........Ap-ba
Mother ..........Uhm-ma
Grandfather .....Ha-ra-bu-jee
Grandmother .....Hal-mu-nee
Brother(older) ..Hyoung-neem
(younger) .......Dong-saeng
(younger) .......Dong-saeng
Korea ...........Han-kook
America .........Mee-kook
Bowel movement ..Dong
Hungry ..........Bae-kop-pa
Pain ............A-pu
Stomach ache ....Bae-a-pa
Headache ........Khol-a-pa
Happy ...........Jo-wa
Scared ..........Mu-so-wa
Sleep ...........Jam-ja
Pretty ..........Ee-poo-ta
Hot .............Deu-ku-wu
Cold ............Choo-wu
Love you ........Sa-rang / hom-ni-da
Come here .......Ee-to-wa
Airplane ........Bee-haeng-kee
Bed .............Chim-dae
Cat .............Ko-yang-ee
Dog .............Kae
New clothes ......Sae-ot
Our house .......Woo-ree-jip
Toilet ..........Pyun-so
Food ............Um-sik
Cookie ..........Kwa-ja
Rice ............Pop
Water ...........Mool

» / -10:48 PM


» / -10:40 PM
Cookie Jar!

I like girls
They like me
They look so good
In their Satin jeans
Want you to be the one
And my only
I want be faithful
But I cant keep my hands out the cookie jar.

My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands
Cant keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Cant keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Cant keep my hands, my hands my hands out the cookie jar.

You see I got this problem
I need help trying to solve it
Cause meeting after meeting and Im still a cookie-holic
You can hide them, Imma find them, on the counter, in the closet
And Ill say I aint do it with my face covered in chocolate
My girl be setting booby traps
To catch me eating Scooby snacks
I left crumbs in the bed once
But I told her I was through with that
She still dont be believing me
And I guess that Im cool with that
But I got a sweet tooth, thatll never come loose
And the truth of the matter is.

I like girls
They like me
They look so good
In their Satin jeans
Want you to be the one
And my only
I want be faithful
But I cant keep my hands out the cookie jar.

My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands
Cant keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Cant keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Cant keep my hands, my hands my hands out the cookie jar.

I got a thing for Milano, Biscotti Italianos
And I never turn down some Oreos if you got them
Butter Pecan Puerto Rican,
Or them Oatmeal Raisin Asians.
Hazelnut Brazilians,
Macadamia Caucasians,
Double stuffed or thin mint
It dont matter you getting it
Cos I got a sweet tooth thatll never come loose
And the fact of the matter is.

I like girls
They like me
They look so good
In their Satin jeans
Want you to be the one
And my only
I want be faithful
But I can't keep my hands out the cookie jar.

My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands
Cant keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Cant keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Cant keep my hands, my hands my hands out the cookie jar.

Im a monster for these cookies
Im a beast for theyre treats
An animal for theyre crackers
Head to feet they so damn sweet
Cant keep my hands, my hands, my ha uh my
Cant keep my hands, my hands, my hands out the cookie jar.

And then you have it haha
I tried my best
I went to cookie anonymous
I guess Im a failure
I cant seem to keep my damn hands out the cookie jar but,
It is what it is

» / -10:22 PM
quixotic quiz

Q whats your best damn drink
ouh , coffee , my best drink on the planet
Q how many pillows on your bed when you'r about to sleep
err five. ahahahaha
Q what do you do first when you wake up every morning
turn off the alarm , and get back to sleep . wex
Q do you laugh alone , without a solid reason why
somestimes. hahaha
Q Do you sleep naked?
hell no, you freak!
Q Do you have a secret that you have never told anyone?
haha , yep. it won't be a secret if i told anyone
Q Your parents read your text messages
never. none of their business
Q have you ever yell to someone you don't know
yepp! lovee doing that. like a maniac without a brain
Q If you were given $100 would you spend it, or save it?
half spend half save , clever isn't it? i knoww
Q Could you ever be friends with someone that broke your heart?
depends on how big somesone's sin towards me lol
Q are you good in pretending something
owww yeaaahhhh .
Q if a cashier over-return your balance will you give it back
hehe , depens on my current financial status
Q do you have to ask to go to a party or hang with friends
yepp. i respect my parents . rofl
Q can you swim
ahh. mind your own business!
Q what do you do when you're boring
internet , tv , ps . my live is wonderful!

whatever dork , taking a quiz is fun =D

» / -12:12 PM
Malaysia Pledges Support for Earth Hour 2009

Many great Malaysian icon to take part in this global event. All across the nation , from modern hight-tech towers to famous historical buildings . I just so thrill and excited to watch all this buildings to go dark! Among to be invisible on that nights is :

Putrajaya City

Sunway Intergrated Resort

Merdeka Square

Petronas Twin Towers


KL Sentral

KL Tower

source :

» / -11:51 AM
Earth Hour 2009

This year , Earth Hour has been transformed into the world's first global election
between earth and global warming. For the first time in history , people of all ages, nationality race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote - switching off light

WFF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and reach of 1 billion votes , which will presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in
Copenhagen 2009.

Earth hour began in Sydney in 2007 when 2.2 million homes and business switched off their light for one hour . In 2008 the messages had grown into global sustainability movement with over 50 milion people took part .The world then sees many world's landmark everywhere went dark.

In 2009 Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal 1 billion people
switching off their light as part of a global vote . A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet.

We all have to vote and every single vote counts . I vote earth and everybody across the world also vote earth . And we will switch off our lights on SATURDAY , MARCH 28 from 8:30 - 9.30pm

» / -11:20 AM
Earth Hour!

» / -11:15 AM
Daily Dose

Semalam hari selase akuw g kelas driving bapak another 6 hours stuck there. 3 hours dlm class then 3 hours lg nk practical . akuw da excited na drive na practice stop kat line kuning atas bukit na test parking & na test masuk tiga penjuru tp punah harapan akuw coz hari hujan , i wonder why we can't drive anyway coz as far as i know every car there is equipped with roof! guess we're still amateur , simple fact!
Pastu malam plakk g pasar malam . hihihi dh lmew siyot ta g pasar malam kat cni , kat plkn tade pasar malam owke . hahaha bershopping jugak lew akuw tp kempunan doww yong taw fuu tade jual ary tuw huhuhu T.T
Pastu ary niw pagi tadi akuw membersihkan air kencing kuceng akuw yang ta bermoral kencing rate-rate . nasib baik bru bape minggu lahir law ta akuw masak buat kucing goreng tepung . Pastu sdg khusyuk menyapu classmate lamew akuw lalu dpn umah naek motor . si syafiq leww haha diew skang keje sememtare tunggu tawaran dgn syarikat kurier . sempat gak berbual n bincang psl reunion besar-besaran kelas hujong taun niw haha . guwd luck to all my ex-classmates in ur life yah!!

» Sunday, March 22, 2009 / -10:34 PM
Fuckin Facts #001

Top 30 of the world's biggest company by revenues & profits of the year 2008
by the Global 500 of Forbes & Fortune Magazine:

1 Wal-Mart Stores
2 Exxon Mobil
3 Royal Dutch Shell
4 BP
5 Toyota Motor
6 Chevron
7 ING Group
8 Total
9 General Motors
10 ConocoPhillips
11 Daimler
12 General Electric
13 Ford Motor
14 Fortis
15 AXA
16 Sinopec
17 Citigroup
18 Volkswagen
19 Dexia Group
20 HSBC Holdings
21 BNP Paribas
22 Allianz
23 Crédit Agricole
24 State Grid
25 China National Petroleum
26 Deutsche Bank
27 ENI
28 Bank of America Corp.
29 AT&T
30 Berkshire Hathaway


» / -9:56 PM

Woah , hari niw akuw & sista aku kluar shopping . da lmew siyot ta shopping since aku masuk plkn. Haha kluar rumah abah akuw hantar otw diew na g keje so drop by kat shopping mall pukul 3 lebey . Fuh dh lmew ta masuk shopping mall besar coz kat Sibu shopping mall diew ta besar & grand sgt =p . huhu . Ramai gaks owang . biase lew tyme cuti . Plus ary tuw kat shopping mall tuw adew due fair y berlangsung iaitu pelancaran produk terbaru Osim & pelancaran Celcom Broadband pakej terbaharu . Pastuw kitowang pusing-pusing banyak siyot kitowang beli drpd atas sampai bawah . Daripada sunglasses , baju , sweater sampai seliper pastu adek akuw siap beli accesories kowt . Lapar beli Big Apple , lol memule beli 6 jewp pastu ta cukup beli lg 6 hahaha. then beli ayam teriyaki plakk . Dh maghrib mama akuw pick up kitowang coz diew pown drive dr KL .

» / -9:36 PM
Proto Exora Explicit Photos

Here is the real look of the latest Proton Exora . I got it from the internet
haha , until now Proton is still hiding this and unwilling to reveal the Exora
to add the mysterious and sense of wondering within peoples . So enjoy!

Proton Exora HighLine (Auto) (Tentative) RM 76,000.00- seat dan stering kulit , autocruise, wiper autospeed ikut laju mpv, GEAR GATESHIFT, Audio-CD-DVD-MP3-WMA-AAC-USB-SD/MMC CARD,BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE, LAMPU HID/LED, AIRCOND BARIS KEDUA DAN KETIGA, ABS-EBD, AIRBAGS, Proton Exora MediumLine (Auto) (Tentative) RM 72,000.00


» / -1:33 PM



» / -1:10 PM

Yeahh , guess what . I've passed the Ujian Undang-Undang Jalanraya !
Ahhahaha , thnx to god almighty. Morning on 21st of March i've been took to a shoplots
which host the computer exam in Klang and when i arrived there , gosh so many people bah.
I waited for almost one hour to take the test . I was so scared coz if i failed the test i can't have a license . When it comes to my turn i sit back at Terminal 3 try to relax take a deep breath and fuh i scored 48/50 . Haha i knew that i can do it because before that i've take an excercise twice which at first i scored 49/50 and the second 50/50 . So i do feel great XD


» Saturday, March 21, 2009 / -5:05 PM
KL Sunburst Music Festival



» Friday, March 20, 2009 / -5:04 PM
New Thing.

Today is 20 March 2009 . 3 days ago , my family and i were headed back to my granny's house in Johore . It's great since it has been up to 3 months that i didn't reached there. Other than that , yesterday on march 19 is the day of all the trainees of National Service of Group 2 Series 6 2009 registed in their camp , since that day their service to the nation will begun . huhu then i remembered all the memories in camp Bumimas , then i contact my teacher in the camp Cikgu Chuby and she said its really nice to see new trainees coming in and she hopes that they will be as nice as us. haha =p Okeyy today's story. I woke up early and after the Subuh prayer i get back to sleep - as usual hehe . then at 10 my dad took my to attend a class to practice a computer test regarding the law of the roads . The first question is about colors and follows with road signs and stuff like that. Overall the question is okeyy and my marks is pretty awesome but my really concern is the colour test . It needs 8/8 correct to proceed which means no room for wrong answer! arghhh. Later then around 12 my dad once again took me out and to let me practice driving . We are at Padang Kompleks Sukan Pandamaran and drive my mom's car slow & steady . Ahahaha i can't belive man , i am actully driving! My dad said , im okey . haha even sometimes i made that car loncat-loncat like riding a horse lol. But thats okey lah coz this is my first day of driving maa. Surely i'll try even harder next time. yeahh!

» Tuesday, March 17, 2009 / -3:53 AM
5 KA1 2008

5 KA1 2008
My dearest class . Suddenly i was thinking about you.
it has been 3 months since our class ended.

There's many types of typical and hard to describe teens in there
Credits to :
aqmalbaik amy rara llega seks dina suzie palek fafai cak chut nola
chandra cikepot sasumi akid nabilah faza kiera ferry sao madje
apiz begaw cupyanka madhie norbie vam zul amir zack capek teng

& our official class myspace


» / -3:26 AM
Malam-malam ku

Salam. now is 3.26 am , March 17 of 2009 . Correct .... i hvn't sleep yet.
haha stay up just for nothing . just wanna do things that i used to do before plkn.
In plkn i usually sleep at 11 , i dunno why when it comes to around 10 i will get sleepy
and after that silly recalled ( rokol ) i quickly brush my teeth and get on my bed.
even at first few weeks there i find its hard to sleep . i often being woke up at 1 or 2 or 3am
and then really hard to get back to sleep . but later then , i can sleep nice & sound till my last night there . huhu . There is a difference of spending a night at my own bed at home and the bed in the camp of bumimas .

» Sunday, March 15, 2009 / -5:09 PM
Driving License

Wooohu! My first activity after the NS is to get a driving license. Its such a blood pumpin thing and im so excited about it. but hell, its still a long way to go. i have to get through many procedures and tests and its a bit complicated as i imagined before. Just now i entered a ceramah and it took my precious 5 hours! siapa na ganti tuw? But tapew leww, demi lesen kenderaan ku rela gadaikan segalanya walaupun ku kena penderaan untukmu wahai kenderaan , hahax. After this i got computer test , thats include colour , word and many2 more . plerttt . At the ceramah just now , that old man mumbling about many things and i keep staring at my watch , ow god why the time walk so slow , please run fast! He keep talking and talking and showing slides by slides and i was like , what the hell is he talking about! haha but luckly he is a funny guy , good in making jokes so i attracted to him and i started to concentrate and writing some notes. until 4 pages full with notes lol .



» Friday, March 13, 2009 / -9:39 PM
Life after PLKN

awrgh. its really good to be home. But , pade masew y samew
i really miss bumimas damn much. da almost 3 bulan aku stay sanew
bnyk bende y aku rasai & ramai orang y aku jumpe. then when it comes to march 11 , 2009
we'all terpakse berpisah . my dearest camp named Kek PLKN Bumimas situated at Sibu , Sarawak . Honestly tyme aku find out that aku dpt plkn , i was so shock. that time i was eating kat dapur and i grab my phone and check my status via sms service. aku hampir tercekik lol tyme makan tuw coz terkezut glew2 n ta pecaye y aku dpt plkn. i really hate it and i almost went crazy duh.

But then , as the time passed by im home right now. PLKN tuw aku dh khatam and now here i am , at home. Suddenly aku fell a bit strange n lain gless2 biler kat rumah. Damn i really miss u bumimas! Terase lain dlm bnyk bende between kehidupan di plkn n di rumah. Law dlu bangun sebelum pukul 5 pagi , tp skrang bngun lambat skewt . Law dlu adew announcement utk aktiviti2 seterusnyew , but now its no more. Law dlu kne sentiase shave , but now dah depends . Law dlu adew perbarisan pagi , but now dah ta dew . Law dlu makan kne beratur , but now no need . Law dlu pukul sebelas kene padam lampu , but now ta payah. Law dlu kne sentiase hntar and amek dobi , but now tiada lagi . Law dlu adew berbaris mengikut kompeni , but now dh tade. Law dlu adew PT10 , but now dh tade . Law dlu ader 14-1-2 , but now dh tade.

Life skarang dh berubah. Dulu aku sentiase bwk wallet dlm poket . but skrang kat rumah dh tak perlu. Dulu aku sentiase pakai jam . tp sekarang jam dinding kat rumah dh bnyk . Law dlu aku kumpul laundry aku dlm plastik putih , tp skang masuk dlm machine jewp. Law dlu aku adew locker utk di lock , but now wardrobe aku ta perlu dikunci2 . Yet , still plenty of things that i did but not now any longer. Stay kat bumimas even less than 3 months , bley ktew adew mmberi impact in my life. But now , its all gone. the time that passed cannot be returned or repeat twice , everybody knows that . semuanyew tinggal kenangan.

Ramai orang yang aku jumpe kat sane . macam-macam.Even some of them perangai mcm glew , mcm kimak or annoying . i dunno why theres a tears in my eyes when it comes to the moment that i have to leave them . is it called friends love? But for sure i'm gonna miss them so much . mayb that day was the last day ever that i'll saw them. many of my friends are in sarawak and im in selangor , even my friends in selangor or KL also i cannot guarantee that i'll meet . but still , they will always be in my heart
and be immortal memories in , bumimas.


Tuai padi antara masak
Esok jangan layu-layuan
Intai kami antara nampak
Esok pasti rindu-rinduan

» Thursday, March 12, 2009 / -9:59 PM

Selamat Datang
مُرَحَّب بِه، مُحْتَفى بِه
szívesen látott
mile widziany
hoşa giden

» / -9:23 PM

well, damn yeah the result's just out today at estimated time of 10 am of March 12 , 2009
this is the time that i've been waiting for the past days and the moment which made my hands shakes and my heart beats at unusual rates . lol i just hate this moment . im so nervous all the way down to school. Notes that i just got back from National Service and my plane just landed on KLIA runway less than 24 hours and now i have to struggle with my feelings . As i peek my slip my hands are quiet shaking . but this time i didn't feel anything , my heart doesn't dupdap any longer but i have no idea why my hands are shaking even i've cooled down and doesn't feel nervous! wtf .


» Wednesday, March 11, 2009 / -4:04 PM
National Service

Proudly informed that all the trainees of
National Service for Group 1 Series 6 2009
has ended their programme today
starting from 27 December 2008 until 11 March 2009 .

Welcome Back!!!

» / -3:34 PM
The Initium

On March 11 , 2009 I proudly launch this blog .
Yea , its a whole new beginning. I just returned from the National Service programme
a few hours ago , and the launch of this blog marks the new beginning of my life.
With a fresh start , National Service taught me lots of new things and it took
almost 3 months to come to an end. So to make it more meaningful , this blog will start with the start of my new life after the National Service programme . Indeed im just reached 18 , and it's just the beginning.

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